Wednesday, September 11, 2024

From NOWTALK's MAIL BOX - These are Views/Opinions that will or will not happen but, carefull what's uncovered.

Bob Charles Mail Box - Tell it Like it is !

We had people listening to the Intro Show of NowTalk a new show with an Open Platform so WE THE PEOPLE can come into the show and talk about what is on their mind. On the Intro Show I mentioned an impending American Civil War on the Horizon and an Educator who did not Identify his or hers name but they wrote this to me and I'm sharing it with you all. NowTalk is here for YOU !
He or She Wrote:
Why would Leftists want a civil war ?
The idea that "leftists" or any political group would intentionally seek a civil war is often rooted in misunderstandings or extreme rhetoric rather than actual intent. Most political groups, including those on the left, generally advocate for systemic change through political and democratic means, not through violence or civil conflict. However the Left are not including the Constitution of the United States of America in any of their recent Actions against Americans... Just to remind, You the Citizens of America are making You the People of America pay for total Support of 15 Million People Plus invited into America though what the Constitution says is Treason and an Invasion of our Sovereign Country for Power.
However, certain factors could fuel tensions:
Polarization: The U.S. is politically divided, with both the left and right seeing each other as existential threats to their way of life. Extreme voices on both sides sometimes advocate radical solutions, though this doesn't represent the majority and makes second class people out of Real American Citizens.
Social and Economic Inequality: Many on the left are passionate about addressing systemic issues like wealth inequality, racial injustice, and environmental degradation. In extreme scenarios, if people feel unheard or oppressed, some may resort to more aggressive forms of protest or advocacy as Americans have had enough of promises that are all lies.
Perceived Threat to Democracy: Some leftists express concerns about rising authoritarianism, erosion of voting rights, or the influence of corporate interests in politics. These fears can lead to intense calls for action, though that rarely translates into advocating violence or civil war but will crush America by or the use of ONE WORLD ORDER which is Total Takeover of Americans through Economic and Monetary Control....
Defensive Rhetoric: In reaction to what they see as right-wing extremism or threats (e.g., from groups they perceive as anti-democratic or fascist), some leftist activists may engage in defensive rhetoric. However, again, this does not mean they seek armed conflict or a civil war.
It's important to remember that most Americans, regardless of political orientation, do not desire a civil war. Open dialogue and platforms like your informative show "NowTalk" can be great ways to de-escalate tension and promote understanding.
Address these issues on your show to help clarify or provide more insight into the current political climate? You have a Great Voice that Americans will connect with.

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From NOWTALK's MAIL BOX - These are Views/Opinions that will or will not happen but, carefull what's uncovered.

Bob Charles Mail Box - Tell it Like it is ! We had people listening to the Intro Show of NowTalk a new show with an Open Platform so WE THE ...